October 02, 2015
Gone are the days when a keyword rich content was supposed to get your business to the top of the SERPs and bring you the required traffic. Today, content marketers are looking for original piece of content that presents unique information for end..
September 22, 2015
There is nothing more important than keyword research when building your SEO plan. Even the best planned campaigns can be disappointing if you have targeted the wrong keywords. Google acknowledges that several websites are stuffed unnecessarily with..
March 20, 2015
Content marketing requires consistency, innovative ideas and lots of hard work in order to carve out a proper content which is capable enough to generate the interest and prove to be useful for the targeted customers. Creating content which is..
December 11, 2014
Online reviews and product blogs can help drive sales in a big way. About a decade ago when someone tried to get more information about a product, before buying it from an online shopping portal, he used to rely on the knowledge of close friends or..
October 03, 2014
We often spend a precious amount of our time Googling for something or getting virtually social on Facebook. However no matter if its Google, Facebook or any other similar platform, have you ever wondered about how they work once you have entered a..
July 28, 2014
With this year fast approaching the end, there are a lot of things which we can learn from the events which have taken place till now. Every time you start to ease upon your quest for being the best in this ever dynamic field of digital marketing..
May 26, 2014
On 20th May 2014 Google again rolled out another major update termed officially as Panda 4.0 to improve search quality and user experience.
This info-graph, created by KOL team, gives you insights about this latest Panda update, recovery tips and..
May 17, 2014
With the growing use of multimedia devices, more and more people are exploring the potentials of digital marketing. As a result online stores today have more users then before checking for their products and fueling the competition among the online..
April 12, 2014
Are you scared of Penguin or Panda updates? Well you should not be if you are following a solid content marketing strategy. But how you will craft a content marketing strategy that will expand your reach and increase your customer base and at the..
April 01, 2014
Its been three  months( the last penguin update was released on 4th October 2013)  since the arrival of penguins and we still get cold feet thinking about what would be the next assault of these Google animals. Often you hear the scream of..