KOL Blog

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March 19, 2014

Top Branding Tips for 2014

Are you happy with your current brand management or you are still looking for some ground-breaking branding tips? This infograph created by KOL Limited team revolves around some of the best branding tips which can prove helpful for online..
February 26, 2014

5 killer SEO Practices You Should Start Following Right Now

SEO is changing rapidly and today its more dynamic than it used to be a decade before. The strategies, tips and tricks which we used to apply in past for getting good visibility and ranks will not work in coming years. Therefore this infographic..
February 06, 2014

Panda Update 4.0: Unleashing the Future of Content Marketing

With giving a pause to all the rumors fired since last few months, Google on 20th May 2014 officially announced the roll out of yet another Panda update termed as Panda 4.0. Surprisingly Matt Cutts personally tweeted about its confirmation in the..
January 24, 2014

Importance of Responsive Design

As there are new Mobile devices being launched on such a regular basis, online retailers fear their websites future, and are forever looking at solutions to keep up. What if we tell you the only solution you need is a Responsive Design? A..
January 23, 2014

Effective Content Curation Tips

Recently I was travelling to L.A and came across this gentleman. We had coffee together and then just out of curiosity I enquired about his profession. œHey what do you do for living? He raised his grey brows and replied in a hush hush..
December 27, 2013

Twitter post ideas: #Top Tactics that can drive overwhelming traffic

Mr.James “ Hello Saint. The New Year is on the door step. But I am still worried that how I can get more out of my social media presence. Saint “ Hey James, what happened, still worried about your likes and tweets. Mr...
December 24, 2013

10 Pro Tips: Your Ecommerce Website's Christmas Checklist Delivered!

Just in case you are still busy with your office and you didnt know “ the big day is fast approaching! Its Christmas. What about the preparations? Have you done shopping or still selecting your favorites from Amazon, eBay or any of your other..
December 04, 2013

Google plus, Your new business partner

Google + has emerged as a new playground for search marketers and business owners to play the game known as œBUSINESS. It offers a wide range of opportunities to business owners to get engage with their customers and improve their businesss..
November 14, 2013

Google Authorship - New age lethal weapon

Today interest in Google Authorship is growing almost as fast as the increase of usage of internet for everyday stuff. It was first introduced in 2011, and allowed content writers or bloggers to integrate their Google + profile with their content..
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