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December 30, 2011

2011 has come and gone and much has happened over the past year. We bring you the top digital news of this year;

Launch of Google +
Google plus became the latest rival to Facebook this year launching its own social networking platform, Google plus.  Facebook and no real rival and was leaps and bounds ahead of any other social networking site. Google plus which follows a similar network is more current and fresh. Google plus is continuing to grow strong constantly introducing new ideas and features.  

A successful year at Apple
Earlier this year we saw the launch of iPad 2. Over 15 million I pads were sold making them have over 80 per cent of the tablet market share. iPad a somewhat portable computer has bought a whole new world into computing.
IPhone 4s launched this year having features including; a dual core A5 chip which has more power than previous IPhones, 8mp camera and shoots 1080p hd video and siri, a device which answers any of your questions.  It also has iOS 5 a mobile operating system which is more advanced, built in applications and is faster.

Tablet Takeover 
With not only Apple introducing their tablet, we saw the endless introductions of new tablets reviling Apple. It has been said that the Tcommerce has been rising steadily this year and has predicted to continue to grow throughout 2012. More people using tablets then their desktop and 1 in 4 people in the US on a tablet. Read more in our article The Rise of Tcommerce

Twitter has been the place for news this year, with the unravelling of Saddam Hussains death, many found out the latest news on Twitter even before the actual news.

Google and Samsung team up to launch of the Nexus phone
Introduction of the ice cream sandwich was launched in Hong Kong later this year. This was the debut of the latest version of Android. Android is beginning to grow and rival its competitors such as Blackberry and Iphone and has had huge success with their Galaxy range. The ice cream sandwich demonstrates what Andorid is capable off and it seems 2012 has good things in stored for Android.  

Royal wedding breaks live streaming records
Having 4.6 million page views per minute, the royal wedding has been one of the biggest news worldwide, this year to be streamed.

Changes in Facebook
Facebook later this year announced some drastic changes to its current format.  It was seen to be outdated and it was time for a fresh new concept to be bought in to the social networking site. This was due to the rise in competition that had been launching fresher ideas. This is exactly what Facebook did in recent weeks, they have implemented the changes to the timeline, one of the most distinctive features on Facebook and many more changes are soon to be introduced in 2012.

Steve Jobs demise
Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, sadly passed away on October 5th 2011. Combating cancer for several years he later died from a cardiac arrest. Steve Jobs will always be remembered for his work at Apple. He became SEO of Apple in 2000 and even though can be liked with his work at Pixar and NeXT computer his work with Apple revolutionised the world of computing and mobiles.

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